by Rachel Green, Client Advocate

As a college student and Client Advocate volunteering at the pregnancy center, I feel the closest I ever have to one of the most important social issues in our world today–abortion. In speaking with my clients, I have seen the way abortion can destroy a mother and a father on a very personal level. I have come to understand and truly believe that abortion is never the best option, and it’s never the only option. My youngest brother is adopted, and I’ve become even more of an advocate for adoption because I’ve seen the way it builds a family. My life would not be the same without my littlest brother. I’m so thankful his mom chose life.

I’ve made wonderful friends and connections with other women and men who volunteer at PCE. I have been continually inspired by the support and love they offer clients who find themselves on the other side of our red door.

“To whom much is given, much is expected.”   My parents spoke these words to my siblings and me often as we grew up, and they continue to remind us to this day. We have all been given exceptional gifts and talents; these gifts are meant to be shared with the world.

Rachel is attending the University of Cincinnati and pursing degrees in Business Analytics and Accounting.  Read her entire reflection on her blog at